Saturday, August 12, 2006

baseball and knitting?

A stitch in time in nine innings | Burbank Leader

ok this one speaks for itself......

A stitch in time in nine innings
Burbank Leader - August 12 2006

A love of baseball combined with a passion for knitting was the theme on Thursday at Dodger Stadium.

About 500 people with an interest in baseball and the needle arts showed up at the stadium to take part in the annual Stitch N' Pitch event.

They watched the Dodgers-vs.-Colorado Rockies game while knitting, crocheting or stitching their favorite garments.

"Basically, it was a bunch of knitters getting together to have a good time at the ball park," said Pam Wheat, a knitter. "We all just love to sit together and talk, and you get a couple of beers in us and a Dodger dog, it's all fun." [more]

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