Saturday, August 05, 2006

Knitting gets global!

Knitting project takes off - The Swazi Observer

I found this to be a very interesting article. I hope you do to

Knitting project takes off
The Swazi Observer, Swaziland - Aug 4, 2006
WOMEN involved in the knitting project have expressed gratitude to Her Majesty Indlovukazi and government for the initiative that will see to their economic ...

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Vintage Shawl Knitting Pattern


4 skeins of rlelsher's Shetland floss

1 pair amber needles NO.5


Cast on 80 stitches. Knit back.

1ST Row-Slip 1, over, knit 3, repeat across row.

2D Row-Slip 1, draw the slipped stitch of previous row over the next 3 stitches. Knit 3, end row with knit 3.

Repeat these 2 rows until scarf is 1 1/4 yards long.

In binding off drop every 4th stitch. Ravel out to the 1st row. Draw ribbon through this space, twisting every 2 threads. Cut ribbon 1 1/2 yards long. Place a knotted fringe of 8 strands 9 inches long in the knitted stripe.

Source: Fleisher's Knitting and Crocheting Manual, 10th edition. 1912. Page 173

How To Bind Off Knitting Video

Hello all,
Here is a short (2:00 minutes) video I found at Let me know what you think. Just click the "How To Bind Off Knitting Video" link above and it should take you right to the video
