Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Yarn Estimation Charts

Yarn Estimation Charts: Baby Cardigans And Pullovers

I found this cool article at on yarn estimation charts it included a lot of charts and a ton of good advice. You all should check out this awesome and totally useful website.

We all wonder at one time or another if we have enough yarn to complete a project, especially if the pattern doesn't clearly specify how much yarn is needed. These...

Happy knitting


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Naughty Needlers Never Rest!

A Good Age: Close-knit group needles with purpose | The Patriot Ledger

Once again the power of knitting to bring people together for a worthy cause never ceases to amaze me. Have a read meet someĀ  real nice people doing some real nice things.


A Good Age: Close-knit group needles with purpose
The Patriot Ledger - July 25 2006

Their calling cards include baby blankets and the tiniest of newborn warming caps. They knit and crochet their way into nurseries, shelters, reservations and rural villages across the world.

The Naughty Needlers never rest. The women, most in their 70s and 80s, meet at the Weymouth Senior Center every Tuesday morning. By 10 a.m., they are bustling through the doors, carrying bags of yarn and finished items they proudly place on a table. They bring colorful sweaters and scarves, hats and mittens, lap robes and afghans.

For the next two hours, they will sit in a loose, large circle, chatting and laughing as they work. Their output is impressive: more than 1,000 items donated to charities last year alone.

Everyone, it seems, has a story: How they make the sweaters for malnourished children 2 inches larger across the front because starving children have distended bellies, or how security was called to disperse the admiring crowd that gathered around a volunteer delivering three big bags of items for the neonatal nursery at South Shore Hospital. [more]

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